invited speaker中文
- The dignitaries at the ceremony included a king , who is also a minister in the government , several local chiefs , a representative of supreme master ching hai from the cape town center , and invited speakers
開幕當天,與會貴賓包括國王政府的一位部長當地的一些酋長開普敦小中心的一位同修代表以及受邀前來演說的人士。 - The invited speakers include professors joseph chan and paul lee of chinese university of hong kong , professor john downing from southern illinois university , professors jill hills , tarik sabry , colin sparks and daya kishan thussu from the university of westminster , professor marwan m . kraidy from american university , professor james lull from san jose state university , and professor philip rosen from brown university
大會邀得美國圣荷塞州立大學jameslull教授、中文大學陳韜文教授和李少南教授、美利堅大學marwanm . kraidy教授、美國南伊利諾大學johndowning教授、西敏寺大學colinsparks